Your police raid outrage of the day
Rewarding lying cops: America’s crisis of faith
Documents: When Democratic Senators Wanted Conservative-Leaning Groups Investigated for "Lies," Lois Lerner Took the Meeting
PJ O'Rourke on the Dunham Horror
Mark Maslin does fallacy
Cleveland Police Union Chief Gives Most Surreal Interview Ever
Police Union Boss Defends Killing of Tamir Rice: 'When We Tell You to Do Something, Do It'
Turning the Tables on Wedding Cake Fascists
Nobody Has a Right to an Anti-Gay Wedding Cake, Either
Former Georgia Chief Magistrate Found Guilty Of Sexual Assault, Witness Tampering, and Conspiring To Plant Drug On Woman
LAPD to Get Body Cameras. Will They Tamper with Those, Too?
But For Video: A Mistake of Law
But For Video: “You A Dumb Bitch” Edition
Senator Bob Casey Pushing Gun Control
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Links of the Week
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Links of the Week
What The Media Isn't Saying About Support For Stronger Gun Laws
New DoJ Report on Sexual Assault Finds Incidence of Such Violations Slightly Below the SJWs' Favored "One in Five" Figure
Techniques to Aid Authoritarians: The Supposed Statute of Limitations on Outrage
New Illinois Motto Announced "The Police State"
Illinois Just Made it a Felony for Its Citizens to Record the Police and the Media is Silent
Leftists hate hearing about the socialist roots of Nazism
Elizabeth Warren threatens to make the GOP shut down the government or something
George W Bush declines to back-stab the CIA over waterboarding.
The hot new Democratic trend to watch for in 2015.
Read Emily Yoffe Instead
The Nasty Little Secret of Progressive Statistics
When There Are No Men To Blame
New DOJ Data On Sexual Assaults: College Students Are Actually Less Likely To Be Victimized
False Rape Accusations Are Just as Evil as Rape Itself
Vibrant romance - young white woman being burned alive in Mississippi:
IQ is real and reliable
New Lois Lerner emails indicate Obama’s DOJ involved in IRS targeting scandal
Badge 4771, Houston Police, Admits that He Intends to Commit a Felony on Camera
Here’s What Happened When a Texas Police Officer Confronted an Open Carry Advocate and Thought Nobody Else Was Watching
Dunham horror
Should ‘Girls’ Star Lena Dunham Be Prosecuted?
After Volokh Critique, Time Pulls Eliza Berman’s Dismissive Swipes at Breitbart’s John Nolte
Lena Dunham Breaks Her Silence; AP Disgracefully Runs Interference
Lena Dunham, Rolling Stone, and Rape
Rape apologists, in an attempt to silence victims, hurt an innocent man
Thursday, December 04, 2014
Links of the Week
St. Louis Police Union Demands Punishment For 'Hands Up' Gesture By Rams Players
Ex-Cop with History of Lying to Protect Crooked Cops Wants Rams Players Punished for Free Speech
The Ram Has Touched The Wall, And St. Louis Cops Are Mad About It
Race Pimps Ostracize Nobel Winner For Scientific Statements
The New York Times Forgot To Disclose The Facts About Neil Tyson’s Fabrications
Unlike the Media, Mollie Hemingway Bothered to Read the House Select Committee on Intelligence's Report on Benghazi, and Here's What It Says
Is Failure to ID Really that Difficult to Understand? Corpus Christi, Round 2
Playing with Fire
Is There a Connection Between Police Unions and Abusive Cops?
The Killing of Akai Gurley: A Mistake, Perhaps, But No Accident
Because Even Bad Law Makes For Good Warrants
Jon Stewart Mocks NRA for Opposing Ivory Ban
Fashion is the new science
Banning "feminist"
The Alleged “Rape Culture”
The Media's Six Simple Rules for Criticizing Children of Politicians
St. Louis Officer Called Boss of Real Estate Agent Who Criticized Police on Twitter
Dear Media: This Elizabeth Lauten Nonsense Is Why Everybody Hates You
Media: Our Coverage of Elizabeth Lauten is Totes Warranted and Even If It's A Little Bit of Overkill, That's Just Because It's a Slow News Cycle, Not Because of Partisan Animus
Texas Cop Loses Job for Chokehold on Woman, 2nd Cop Disciplined for Ordering Footage Deleted
Killing Eric Garner
The death of the ‘objective’ journalist
Hillary’s Dumb Diplomacy at Georgetown
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Link of the Week
Police Officers' Suing The DOJ For Violating Their 'Right' To Deploy Force Without Restrictions Shot Down By Federal Judge
Only One Upset He Got Caught
But For Video: “Doesn’t Look Good” Edition
Go go Gamergate!
SJW Cannibal Feeding Frenzy
So much for the claim that “Nine out of 10 Americans support [expanded] background checks”
Has Gamergate Finally Burned Itself Out?
Never rely on a moderate
It’s not about “climate change”, it’s about power and control
Thursday, November 06, 2014
Links of the Week
Jon Stewart Apologizes for Not Voting Joke, Doesn't Find Anything Funny About Democrats Losing
The thing to remember about Stewart and his show is that they will not allow any guest to record or have a unedited copy of their interview. This is because their game is to edit interviews to make people they don't like look foolish and they don't want anyone being able to call them on it by producing an unedited copy of the interview. These of course are the same people who claim that no one should listen to Breitbart of O'Keefe because they release edited videos.
Regardless of his politics, Stewart is a thin skinned humorless asshole and a liar.
A game developer on #GamerGate
Mark Begich Won't Concede Alaska Senate Race
About the Chickenshit Controversy
Attkisson: Obama Personally Stepped in to Hide Docs on My Fast & Furious Investigation
Mid Term Election
Justice Department Finally Releases Fast and Furious Documents, With Eric Holder On His Way Out the Door
Court Forces Justice Department to Turn Over 64,280 ‘Fast and Furious’ Documents
‘Election Eve Dump:’ Eric Holder Releases Fast and Furious Documents That Got Him Cited for Contempt
Apocalypse Now! Climate Change "Deniers" Take Over Congress!
Salon Writer: Stating That Greg Abbott Won the Women's Vote in Texas is Racist Because He Didn't Win Black Women's or Hispanic Women's Votes
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Links of the Week
10 Hours Of Walking In New York City As A Racist White Woman
Sheryl Attkisson: CBS Honchos Ordered Me to Present a False Account of Obama's Words on Whether Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack
Science: Actually, Mass Shooting Incidents Aren't Going Up At All, If You Bother To Do the Actual Research
Girls in Games: setting the record straight
Jeff Deskovic, wrongly convicted of rape and murder, awarded $41.6 million in damages
Billy’s predictions for the mid-term election and its aftermath
But You Can Trust The Cops, Right?
To California Cops, Stealing and Sharing Naked Photos of Women in Custody Is a “Game
Eric Holder Says He Regrets Lying To A Judge And Saying A Reporter Was A 'Co-Conspirator' But The Law Made Him Do It
Giffords tries to make guns an issue in this election
Donna Brazile pens the most dishonest defense of teacher tenure in memory
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Links of the Week
Rewriting the Berlin Wall
Scary news from MoveOn: If Republicans win the Senate, they might use a dubious procedure known as “reconciliation”
Either Praise the Police, or Shut Up
The #GamerGate White Knight Syndrome
A response to Brianna Wu
St. Louis Cops Claim Free-Speech Right to Warn Employers About Your Tweets They Don't Like
Deputy Matt: Forget Ferguson And Love Me
Eric Holder Regrets
Why Did CNN Think Bristol Palin Recounting Being Called a ‘F***ing C***’ Was Funny?
Obama Asserts Fast and Furious Executive Privilege Claim for Holder’s Wife
How to Write 1,000 Words About Why Your Critics Don't Matter, by John Scalzi.
Judge Sides With IRS, Dismisses Lawsuits by Conservative Groups Over Targeting Scandal
Friday, October 17, 2014
Links of the Week
Snap Out of It
A double standard in prosecutorial misconduct
NYT 'Discovers' Iraq had chemical weapons
St. Louis Policeman Who Called Activist's Employer Now Under Internal Investigation
You Didn’t Know About the 550 Tons of Yellowcake Uranium the Bush Admin Shipped Out of Iraq to Canada?
The Gov't Lied, People Died. Next Up: Water is Wet
Judicial Application of the First Rule of Law Enforcement
Quote Of The Day - only force on this planet which can defeat the US militarily and economically is the Democratic Party.
Pentagon hid info on thousands of chemical weapons in Iraq for years
Feminist gaming critic cancels speech out of fear of concealed carry attendees
Oceania Has Always Been at War with Eastasia
Darwinian Blithering
Cop Handcuffs and Detains a Man to Force Him to Talk
Documents Confirm Fast and Furious AK-47 Used in Phoenix Gang Assault
Friday, October 10, 2014
Links of the Week
Surprise! Sandy Hook Commission Targets Homeschoolers Despite Lack Of Evidence
Lena Durham's fake rape
The Alison Grimes campaign may now start imploding.
Nancy Pelosi threatens the Democratic party…
Austan Goolsbee Claims Innocence as Court Orders Investigative Records Released
Cop-bashers’ bogus ‘bad apples’ bull
Georgia Grand Jury Rejects Criminal Charges Against Drug Warriors Who Burned and Mutilated a Toddler
Cops Seize Car When Told To Get A Warrant, Tell Owner That's What He Gets For 'Exercising His Rights'
Law: Too Little, Too Late
Gay Marriage Is A Farce
DEA: We’re Doing It, So Of Course It’s Legal. Because Shut Up.
What Comes Around, Goes Around
There is no such thing as marriage equality
Stop Calling It Marriage Equality
Of homeschooling and purple penguins
James O'Keefe Brings His Dishonest, Doctored Videos To The World Of Political Campaigns
Friday, October 03, 2014
Links of the Week
I wonder if Austan Goolsbee will go to jail for Barack Obama’s sins.
Fake But Accurate: Neil DeGrasse Tyson Somehow Claims Vindication Even While Admitting Error
Emma Watson’s Banal Feminist Hypocrisy
Pluto is a Planet Again!
The Best Defense? Pennsylvania Blames Prison Employee For Her Own Rape By Inmate
No, Pennsylvania Is Not Blaming A Woman For Her Own Rape
Do not expect the Democrats to panic until it is too late.
Fake, but accurate
The government’s right to paw through your stuff
Vermont Cop Pulls Car Over for Nonexistent Traffic Violation, Tows It to Search for Evidence of Nonexistent Crime
Sometimes, Video Doesn’t Matter
It’s Not The Crime, It’s The Cover-Up
How Liberals Became the New Book Banners
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Links of the Week
Documents: Federal Prosecutors Misled Judge in Pursuit of Prison Time For Dinesh D'Souza
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: People Who Don't Believe in Global Warming Alarmism Should Be Thrown In Jail
No, It’s Not a Big Deal
Judge Beverly J. Woodard
Lois Lerner Claims the IRS Did Nothing Wrong. The Data Say Otherwise.
No Apologies: Lois Lerner Breaks 16-Month Silence on IRS Scandal
9 Absurd Edit Justifications By Wikipedia’s Neil Tyson Truthers
Does Neil deGrasse Tyson make up stories?
Politico Needs You To Know That Lois Lerner Has Suffered Enough Already
Don't Ever Appear on 'The Daily Show'
‘We Only Whisper It’
“Temporary Intrusion” of the First Amendment
Fools, Dupes, and Knaves: a quick primer on the modern antiwar movement.
NRO Thinks Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has A "Desire To See As Many Poor Children Killed" As Possible
Pennsylvania Republicans Compare a Pro-Choice Democrat to Kermit Gosnell caught up in fossil fuel ‘divestment’ hypocrisy
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Links of the Week
Quote of the week: The link between ‘defending Michael Mann is defending climate science’ seems to have been broken
The Space Pen is Mightier than the Bollocksed Anecdote
What Exactly Are We Going to Do With Neil DeGrasse Tyson?
Update From the Futile Search For Liberal Left Consistency
Study: Nightly network news covered Bush’s crumbling job approval 124 times to this point in year six — versus nine times for Obama
Federal Appeals Court Rebukes Florida Cops for Using SWAT-Style Raids to Check Barbers' Licenses
Vagina Warrior Amanda Marcotte has an Enemies List
Are New Sealed Filings in Barry Bonds Appeal More Dirty Tricks By DOJ? Update: YES!
Neil deGrasse Tyson and the Science of Smug Condescension
Why Is Wikipedia Deleting All References To Neil Tyson’s Fabrication?
Friday, September 12, 2014
Links of the Week
Cop To Cameraman: 'If You're Invoking Your Rights, You Must Be Doing Something Wrong'
Democrat Hack, Working for Department of Justice's Office of Public Affairs, Accidentally Calls Daryl Issa's Office And Asks For Help In Spinning IRS Scandal
There is no 'anti-war' movement to speak of, just anti-Bush
Reminder: “Obstruction” and “voter suppression” mean whatever Democrats want them to mean at any given moment
Democrats offer First Amendment up as sacrifice if it gets their base excited
U.C. Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks Gets Free Speech Very Wrong
Americans Say: Curb Election Spending, But Absolutely No Curbs on Speech
Video Game Sex War
Science does not need women
Liberal Beltway Elitist Bruce Ackerman… apparently misses him some George W Bush right now.
D.C. Police Chief Lanier: Officers wrong to interfere with man recording arrest
Seattle Cops Crowdsourcing Legal Battle Against DOJ-Imposed Excessive Force Remedies
Neil DeGrasse Tyson Seems to Make Up Quotations Which He Then Attacks For Being Stupid
Friday, September 05, 2014
Links of the Week
AP Whitewashes Worst of What DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Said, While Politico Cites Non-Existent ‘Walk Back’
Mississippi Mystery: Why Did Black Mob Kick The Crap Out Of One Defenseless White Guy?
Will Global Warming skeptics ever get the apologies they deserve?
Police unions and excessive force
The rapes in Rotherham were possible because of The Left
Not Only The Dead Keep Secrets
Nude pictures, hackers, advice, blame and freedom
A psychologist’s scathing review of John Cook’s ‘97% consensus’ nonsensus paper
Friday, August 29, 2014
Links of the Week
Garrity and a Police Officer’s Constitutional Rights
Close Enough For Cops
Why "Good Cops" Stay Silent: The Persecution of Officer Adam Basford
Cops Pull Mother with Four Children Over at Gun Point, Caught on Camera, No Apologies
Exactly how often do cops shoot people?
Interview with Erik Scott’s Father Inspires Death Threats
Vice President Biden and the Police
The Problem With Prisons? They’re Full of Prisoners
Court to Police: No Immunity Just Because You're Cops
It’s Just How the Police State Rolls
Seven Dirty Philly Cops Could Cost City Millions, Six Suspended But Not Yet Fired
Officer to Citizen: “You must be doing something wrong if you invoke your rights”
The Judicial System's Blessing Of Police Use Of Excessive Force Makes It Nearly Impossible To Hold Bad Cops Accountable
Perry files habeas corpus motion to dismiss case
Judicial Watch: DOJ Admits Lois Lerner’s E-mails Exist
IRS Destroyed Lois Lerner Blackberry After Congressional Inquiry Began, Never Searched It
Superintendent Jose Fernandez was paid $750,000 a year.
Hair-Splitting at its Finest
Grant Park Cop Kept Teen Niece as 'Wife,' Said He'd Kill Her if She Spilled About Sex: Prosecutor
That would be why they don't hire women
Justice Dept. Official: We Could Get Lois Lerner's Emails From Backups, But It's Too Hard So Naaaaaah
I Simply Do Not Care About Global Warming
Angry Vet Slams GOP Plan For 2016: 'Plan? The GOP Ain't Got No Plan'
Just Ban Public Employee Unions
Will gun control sink Connecticut’s Democratic governor?
Dear PBS, who will humanize the murdered children?
Uncle Stupid’s Sugar Buzz
How About Weakening Unwed Motherhood, For Starters?
Muslims begin to flee
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Links of the Week
I’m a cop. If you don’t want to get hurt, don’t challenge me.
Police Officer: 'if you don’t want to get shot...just do what I tell you.'
Sunil Dutta Tells It Like It Is About American Policing
Cooperate Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does
Mark Steyn on Ferguson: Where Were the Dash Cams?
Police cameras are important, but they’re useless without policies to ensure they’re used properly
The left’s “new” idea
The consequences of a “confrontation” with cops
The Progressive Racist Numbers Game
Professor Miller-Young Sentenced To Probation and Anger Management Classes For Attack On Pro-Life Advocates
Being Right Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry
New York Cops Know People Have a Right to Record Them; They Just Don't Care
Is there any good argument against the right to record the cops?
What I Did After Police Killed My Son
Judge Orders Obama Team to Reveal Operation Fast and Furious Documents
It’s A Poor Mechanic Who Blames The Terry Stop
Mann v Steyn: If This Trial Ever Goes Ahead Global Warming Is Toast
Friday, August 15, 2014
Links of the Week
Math Is Hard For Leftists – Part 1 Million
Samizdata quote of the day - Keynesians
Outflanking The Murder of Eric Garner
The View From Todt Hill Road*
Los Angeles Police Decide that Aerial Photos Violate Privacy…
Elizabeth Daly Settles Lawsuit against Virginia
Abilene Police do not Understand Lawful Detention or Failure to Identify
Why is scandal-plagued Andrew Cuomo not getting the Christie treatment in the press?
Arizona Police Need “Reasonable Suspicion” To Search For Guns
First Amendment right to videotape police extends even to probationers, and to one’s own home as well as public places
Judge affirms probationer has a right to tape police officer in her home
Show Me, Ferguson
Police militarization in Ferguson, Missouri
Another Night Of Unrest In Ferguson, And An Assault On Journalism
Police Unions Produce Rules That Protect Bad Actors, That’s How Public Unions Work
Don't Give Special Rights To Anybody! Oh, Except Cops. That's Cool.
The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie
Just Too Lenient
Making Murder "Reasonable": How the Ferguson PD Will Whitewash the Killing of Michael E. Brown
Bloggers Defeat Brett Kimberlin's Vexatious Defamation Case In Maryland
Friday, August 01, 2014
Links of the Week
Guilt by association and retconning reality
WaPo's Greg Sargent Devastates Halbig Case Against Obamacare Federal Subsidies With Bombshell Reporting
Fed Court Orders DoJ to Release F&F Documents
Federal Court Orders DOJ To Release Fast And Furious Information
By the way, Hamas is using a hospital as its operations hub in Gaza
In which we revisit Rathergate, and the bad movie about to be made of it.
*Delegate* Eleanor Holmes Norton hates transparency in government.
Hypocrites: House Democrats only want transparency and government oversight when a Republican is in the White House
Huge Scandal at FBI: Dubious Forensic Evidence Used in Convictions of Hundreds, Possibly Thousands of People
Why Can’t We See It Through The Cops’ Eyes
Fred calls out Derbyshire and the Darwinists
Josh Marshall & TPM Promise a “BOOM,” Deliver A Dud
Friday, July 25, 2014
Links of the Week
Just pretend this dead lion is a human baby, and then you won’t be so upset
Warrants: Bulwark Of Liberty, Or Paper Shield?
North Carolina Cop Admits in Court to Lying About 911 Call to Enter Home, Police Chief Shocked—Shocked—This Would Happen in His Department
I’ll check my white male privilege right after you check your arrogant liberal assumptions
Lessons From Nazi Gun Control
Sorry, Chuck Schumer, Ted Cruz is right about Democrats’ plans to repeal political speech protections in the First Amendment
Until Cops Pay a Real Price For Their Lawlessness, There’s No Reason to Expect Them to Stop
1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, Chicago Hates Them All.
The MSM is Attacking CopBlockers, We Must Be Doing it Right!
The a**holes of “True Blood” fail in effort to embarass Sarah Palin
Israel has a right to defend itself. And no obligation to be a fool about it, either.
Ways and Means Committee: We’ve learned that Lois Lerner’s hard drive was scratched — but data was recoverable
Because Judge Kane Did His Job
Next on the Social Left’s “To-Do” List: Normalize Polyamory
Uh Oh
Ex-'60 Minutes' Producer Is No Hollywood Hero
Senator Walsh’s Ted Kennedy moment
Federal Judge to Camera-Shy Austin Cops: People Have a Right to Record You. Deal With It.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Links of the Week
The slippery slope is not a logical fallacy
Those Iraqi WMDs That Didn't Exist Are Now In ISIS Hands
Brit Academics: Paedophilia Is Natural and Normal
Who’s the Real Grifter?
Ain’t that a shame: Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell hate each other.
Lane’s Law of Gun Control Activism demonstrated by Michael Bloomberg.
Media Keep Citing Bogus Stat about Catholics and Birth Control
Lois Lerner Warned IRS Employees to “be cautious about what we say in emails”
Samizdata quote(s) of the day AGW
Comment Of The Week - Control freaks love psychiatry
Daniel Chong is the entirely predictable result of dehumanizing drug offenders
Thursday, July 03, 2014
Links of the Week
Dear Emptyheaded Left Wing Writers
The Real Money in the Climate Debate
SWAT teams as public charities?
You Have to Work to Be This Much of an Asshole
Globaloney: NOAA Quietly Changes Warmest Year Back to 1936 Without Comment
Jon Stewart: Supporting Firearms Same as Supporting Kiddy Porn
The left loses their minds over Hobby Lobby decision
Friday, June 27, 2014
Links of the Week
Not a Smidgen of Corruption: IRS Pays $50,000 in Damages to Anti-Same-Sex Marriage Group, National Organization for Marriage, for Illegally Leaking Their Confidential Donor Lists to Pro-Same-Sex Marriage Group, Human Rights Campaign
Epistemic closure’s back, and it’s called “explanatory journalism”
Red State Dems to Gabby Giffords, Mark Kelly: Please Stay Away
I Sure Wish Gabby Giffords Would Come To North Carolina
The Evil Queen and Catholic Communion
Federal Court Rules Government’s No-Fly List Is Unconstitutional
David Brock Advises Media Of The Washington Free Beacon's Unethical Practices
SCotUS: Free speech win in McCullen v. Coakley.
Bald faced lies are okay if you’re from the government
Obama to Gun Control Advocates: Get as Mobilized as the NRA
A SWAT Team Blew A Hole In My Two Year Old Son
IRS Admits Wrongdoing, to Pay $50,000 in Leaking of Marriage Group’s Tax Return
It's not the crime, it's the cover-up
Congressional Report Quashes The Lie That The IRS Targeted Liberal/Progressive Groups
Supreme Court Announces Major Victory for Cellphone Privacy
Supreme Court: Yes, America, of course cops need a warrant to search your smart phone during an arrest
Privacy Prevails: Supreme Court Unanimously Requires Warrant To Search Cellphones
The Private SWATs of Massachusetts
Massachusetts SWAT Teams Claims They’re Private Corporations, Immune From Open Records Laws
Massachusetts SWAT teams claim they’re private corporations, immune from open records laws
Friday, June 20, 2014
Links of the Week
Governor Hickenlooper & Half Ass Apologies
Dear Senator Dumbass: math is hard
Colorado Governor apologizes to sheriffs over gun control laws
Hickenlooper: On second thought, I did talk to Bloomberg about gun control
Lying Liars Lie: it’s who they are and what they do
LEFT OUT OF MEDIA COVERAGE: Las Vegas Cop Killers Were #Occupy Protesters.
Stand Up, Sit Down, Fight, Fight, Fight
In Which @AmandaMarcotte Reveals Her Disturbing Lack of Self-Awareness
Friends Don’t Let Friends Read Dana Milbank
Dana Milbank's Heritage disaster
Fox Twists Loss Of IRS Emails Into Nefarious Conspiracy
You Bet This Is Swiftboating
“There’s Nothing You Can Hold Over My Head”: Suffolk Police Settle Arrest of Photographer For $200,000 in Latest Case Involving Filming of Police In Public
Shut up, McCreepy
ACLU Gets It Right
Friday, June 13, 2014
Links of the Week
Chicago Cops Being Sued After Being Caught On Tape Physically And Verbally Abusing A Massage Parlor Employee
Witness Tampering, Always
Lunchtime Links: Federal judge asks for investigation of Denver cops
ACLU Sues Illinois Mayor After Police Arrest Owner Of Parody Twitter
Woman arrested for filming police wins $57,000 settlement
Cohan: "Defense Attorneys" Want Nifong "Literally Dead in the Ground"
Obama Endorses Gun Confiscation
Focusing on the real enemy
How is that militarization working out?
Gavin Schmidt is the new James Hansen
Uh oh: Looks like the IRS violated federal tax law
Whoa: IRS illegally sent 1.1 million confidential records of tax-exempt groups to the FBI
Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed Confidential Tax Information, Database to FBI For Investigation Ahead of 2010 Midterms
Bloomberg’s “grassroots” gun control group: There have been 74 school shootings since Newtown
‘Wow’: Journalist Attempts to ‘Debunk’ Anti-Gun Group’s List of ‘School Shootings in America Since Sandy Hook’ — Here’s What He Found
CNN Adopts Flawed Right-Wing Logic On School Shooting Numbers
Wingnuts Bully CNN Into Redefining Some School Shootings
Friday, June 06, 2014
Links of the Week
New S—t Has Come to Light!
WAR/POLITICS: Yes, It Matters That Bowe Bergdahl Deserted
“Maya Angelou, Racist, US-Hating, Anti-Semitic Nutjob, Most Overrated Crappy Writer…”
Cohan: Side-by-Side
New Bergdahl counter-scandal: A Republican put soldiers in his unit in touch with the media, you know
Predictably liberal
Wendy Davis thinks Abortion Barbie posters are “disgusting”
The Baby-Burning Stormtroopers of Habersham County, Georgia
The 800 lb. Toddler in the Room
Senator Chris Murphy (D, Connecticut) comes out in favor of military deserter Bowe Bergdahl!
Clueless Krugman
Beeker on Bergdahl
Friday, May 30, 2014
Links of the Week
Issa: 'Operation Choke Point' Is Illegal, Must Be Dismantled
Steny Hoyer: We Must Protect The Most Important Clients of the VA-- Democrat-Voting Government Bureaucrats
Federal Appeals Court Reaffirms Your Right To Record Cops, Including Cops At Traffic Stops. Also, Why It's Probably Wise To Do That Surreptitiously
A false indictment
Amanjaw Marcuntte’s Singularly False Premise
"Conservatives stung by talk of John Doe settlement with Scott Walker."
Is the Men’s Rights Movement a Reaction to Deranged Feminist Misandry?
Richard Martinez Is Becoming the New Cindy Sheehan
Scientist Sacked for Linking Gay Sex to HIV Transmission
"Media Matters" stoops to new low to defame NRA
Silly Mundane -- "Civil Rights" are for Killer Cops
Redefining incompetence
Elliot Rodger Is The First Male Feminist Mass Murderer
Oh, wow, ThinkProgress did a 2006 article on the VA healthcare system.
Blurred Lines
A Small Right With A Huge Loophole
What’s So Dumb About Smart Guns?
White Privilege Causes Everything
Mr. Tokowitz refuses to cave
N.C. judge overturns Darryl Howard conviction, finds prosecutor misconduct by Mike Nifong
The War on the Second Amendment: the Mental Health Gambit
Friday, May 23, 2014
Links of the Week
The peculiar madness of 'trigger warnings'
Neil deGrasse Tyson Knows That Skepticism Has No Place in Science
University of Queensland doubles down on Shollenberger – with a straw man argument on ‘confidentiality’ for names already listed in the paper!
Threats from the University of Queensland
After Two Officers Are Indicted For Shooting Citizens, Dallas Police Dept. Decides Body Cameras Might Be A Good Idea
Rabinowitz Eviscerates Author Cohan
Piketty and the Shoe Event Horizon
Finally, Government Surveillance to Get Behind: FBI to Start Recording Interrogations
Feds to Raided Smoke Shop Owner: Say Your Sister Assaulted a Federal Agent or No Bail For You
Arrestee alleges government misconduct; federal magistrate orders arrestee to apologize and recant, as a condition of bail
Adam Carolla Says He Called Out NPR’s Attempt to ‘Ambush’ Him in Truly Epic Fashion: ‘We’ll See If He Has the Balls to Air It’
Pick A Card
DEA retroactively gets warrant after violent, botched raid on wrong address
Report: Thomas Piketty’s numbers are off
Friday, May 16, 2014
Links of the Week
The Cops Are The Thugs In Philly -- And Prosecutors Let Them SkateThe Cops Are The Thugs In Philly -- And Prosecutors Let Them Skate
First Amendment versus the University of Queensland
Judge Signals She’ll Force Holder to Hand Over Fast & Furious Documents
The Guy Executed (Badly) In Oklahoma Last Week?
IRS Scandal Rekindled By Judicial Watch's Ignorance About How IRS Policy Is Made
Karl Rove Outfoxes the Clintons
New IRS e-mails: Yep, direction came from D.C. and yep, it was political
House Majority PAC and the permanent Democrat majority or whatever
Ohio Cops Taser Man, Seize Phone, after he Video Recorded them Making Arrest
Despite court rulings, people are still getting arrested for recording on-duty cops
Judicial Watch Obtains New Documents Showing IRS Targeting Came Directly From Washington D.C.
EXCLUSIVE: IRS Stonewalling FOIA Request Surrounding Correspondence With Democratic Members of Congress
University of Queensland threatens lawsuit over use of Cook’s ’97% consensus’ data for a scientific rebuttal
Coming Soon: World War II, The Director’s Cut Edition
13 Benghazis That Happened Under Bush’ Viral Meme Taken Apart & Destroyed Before Your Very Eyes
Friday, May 09, 2014
Links of the Week
Benghazi- Shut up they said
Video: John Doe case halted by injunction … again
Fed District Court enjoins Wisconsin “John Doe” anti-conservative investigation
“This is what the Fourth Amendment looks like?”
“F-Bombing the Mann”
Thank You Hillary Clinton...
Cop T-Bones Passing Car, Driver Charged With DUI After Being Honest
The Fifth Screw
But for video: Wisconsin deputy badly injures woman in crash, attempts to blame victim
NYPD Officers Expect Public To Be Stupider Than They Are; Justify Shutting Down Recording With 'iPhones Are Guns' Claim
Circuit Court Overturns Immunity For Law Enforcement Officials Who Sent An Innocent Man To Prison For 22 Years
Friday, May 02, 2014
Links of the Week
The attempted rehabilitation of Mike Nifong
How the Media Again Failed on the Duke Lacrosse Story
Lawsuit: Audio depicts another police conspiracy to plant drug evidence
Felonious Mike Dickinson
Judicial Watch Secures White House Email Stating That Primary Goal of Susan Rice Appearances Were to Establish That Benghazi Attack Was Due to "Internet Video" and Not "Failure of Policy"
Video: Scarborough explodes when Deutsch makes Benghazi about … Republicans
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Why aren’t we also outraged that Donald Sterling was secretly recorded?
Deputy Dove And Policing For Profits: Nevada County Settles Cases Where Drivers Were Stripped Of Cash But Refuses To Charge Or Fire Officer
Tennessee Officer Shown Choking An Unresisting Student Into Unconsciousness
Media Matters staff discovering that their bosses are union-busting hypocrites.
Behold the Democratic Future, Boasts Jonathan Chait, Because Suspicion of Government Is Racist
The Requisite Pearl Clutching Over #NRAAM
Benghazi: Not Exactly Rocket Science
Gun Control In The Wild West
How It Will Happen For Cliven Bundy
It is not possible to get leftists to feel embarrassment or shame
Friday, April 18, 2014
Links of the Week
The Hazards of Duke
Ex-Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes admits to detaining witnesses, a practice he denied last year
Paul Krugman Gets Pwn3d Like a Loudmouth in a Woody Allen Movie
IL: 5 Cops Caught Lying In Court
The willfully thick Blue wall
Social Security suspends its ancient-debt collection efforts
Quote of the Day, Stephen Colbert’s Publicist Said ‘Thanks’ edition.
The Tony Podesta / Heather Miller breakup – technically, a ‘divorce’ – promises to be fascinating.
US Has A 'Secret Exception' To Reasonable Suspicion For Putting People On The No Fly List
Friday, April 11, 2014
Links of the Week
Dallas Police Union: Recording Cops ‘Creating a Major Officer Safety Issue’
IRS Agent Testimony: No Progressive Groups Were Targeted, Despite Claims By Democrats and Media
IRS agents’ testimony: NO progressive groups were targeted by IRS
True The Vote Totally Wasn't Politically Targeted, No Sirree Bob
PS, Ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings' Staff Requested, and Received, Information About True the Vote from the IRS
IRS Employees Don't Just Target Political Enemies, They Also Support Friends, Says Federal Watchdog
American people continue to be accepting of torture. :angrily: Gee, thanks, antiwar movement!
Fox News Gives Lying Weasel Chaffetz Air Time To Lie For True The Vote
MSNBC host: The real target in the IRS scandal is … the IRS
A Warrant Technicality
N.Y. search warrant case shows why we need the Exclusionary Rule
Friday, April 04, 2014
Links of the Week
DOJ Flips Out That Evidence Gathered Via FISA Orders Might Be Made Available To Defendants
Justice Breyer Pens a Remarkable Dissent in the Campaign Finance Case, Arguing that Free Expression is a Collective Right to be Permitted Only to the Extent It Furthers the "Will of the People"
The Progressive View of the First Amendment
Judge Ignores First Amendment to Protect Police State Thug
Cohan Attacks Joe Neff
Coman to Neff: Nifong Characterizations "Figments of His Imagination"
Issa to ATF Head: Why Are Major Fast and Furious Players Still Working at the Agency?
Freeman Dyson, Climate Skeptic.
Family raided by SWAT because cops found discarded tea leaves in trash
On Improving Trust between the Black Community and the Police
A Shout-out to Those Who Will Enjoy My Money
Friday, March 28, 2014
Links of the Week
Philly DA Blows the Whistle on Pennsylvania’s State AG
Back on the Offensive
The @AmandaMarcotte Birth Control ObamaCare Fear-Mongering Crusade
The Bitterness of Your Rage Is Sweet On My Tongue
Bloomberg’s $600k Pennsylvania Politician
BLAME THE VICTIM: Bureaucrat smears 16-year-old abortion protester battered by UCSB prof
Unruly Progressives
THE DARK STATE: Lack of open records prevents complete picture of many Kansas criminal cases
Please Don’t Attack The “Outsiders”: California University Official Issues Letter In Miller-Young Controversy
The Liberal Mindset As It Relates To Guns And The Second Amendment
Ebony Magazine, The RNC And, Liberal Projectionism
Leland Yee denounced by gun lobby as a 'hypocrite' and 'scumbag'
Friday, March 21, 2014
Links of the Week
Thom Hartmann Unearths Long-Discredited October Surprise Crackpottery
One Unjustified Arrest, One Permanent File, and One Corrupt Sheriff: The Ordeal of Mark Patterson
Politico’s Byers Wants to Dictate Conditions For Criticizing Obama’s Foreign Policy
“Most transparant” White House ever rewrote FOIA to exclude its docs
Nevada deputy who took $50,000 from a man ordered to return it
Kansas ‘retaliation’ bill would allow police to arrest people who complain about officers
Steyn discovers the ‘essence of Mann’: Eau de weasel
LAW/POLITICS: Court: Planned Parenthood Violated Fourth Amendment in Home Raid
Victory For Scott Olsen
Feminist Studies Professor Who Accosted Pro-Life Students Charged With Assault
Feminist prof now claims ‘MORAL RIGHT’ to attack 16-year-old abortion foe, destroy sign
UCSB Police Department Releases Report on Professor Mireille Miller-Young
Professor Who Assaulted Pro-Life Protester to Take Her Sign Pleads Novel Defense: She Was Psychologically "Triggered" By Thoughts and Images She Didn't Agree With Politically
Darryl Howard and the rampaging prosecutor: Durham learns little from Duke lacrosse debacle
Comments on the Balko Article
Democrat Attorney General Shuts Down Corruption Investigation After Catching Democrats Accepting Cash Bribes, Because Racism
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kane lawyers up
Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane (D) threatens to sue newspaper for committing… journalism.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Shifts Blame for Botched Bribery Investigation to Previous Administration, Lawyers Up For Possible Lawsuit Against Newspaper
Friday, March 14, 2014
Links of the Day
The Destroyer Cometh
A Glossary of Leftist and Feminist Terminology
The Left’s Message To Teens: More Sex, No Guilt, No Consequences
Babysitting Tumblr
How the Gun Lobby Became a Threat to Public Safety
A Mindless Twit Speaks
House report demonstrates wisdom of Lois Lerner’s Fifth Amendment plea
House Oversight Committee: IRS’s Lois Lerner lied to us, you know.
The mysteries of TENS
Email to Lois Lerner Refutes Absurd Claims by Robin Abcarian About the IRS Scandal
How “Trigger Warnings” Silence Dissent And Protect Fragile Egos
Friday, February 28, 2014
Links of the Week
The Kaley Forfeiture Decision: What It Looks Like When The Feds Make Their Ham Sandwich
Police Department Clears Officers Of Beating and Falsely Charging New Jersey Man . . . Reporter Then Finds Dashcam Video Proving All Of The Allegations
The Art Acevedo Defense: At Least My Minions Didn't Rape Her
But For Video: Just Another Resisting Edition
Because “Rape Culture” Answers The Question?
Adrian Thomas Wins, But What Of The Rest Of Us?
Friday, February 21, 2014
Links of the Week
Rove Rips Former Ohio Gov. Strickland, Whose Admin Invaded Joe the Plumber’s Privacy, for Criticizing Christie
Mann and the Muir Russell Inquiry #1
Florida Deputy Falsely Tells Mother That Recording Him In Public Is A Crime And Proceeds To Drag Her From Car and Arrest Her
Broward Sheriff’s Deputy Violently Attacks Woman for Recording Traffic Stop
Good news and bad news on recording the police
Friday, February 14, 2014
Links of the Week
Mann vs. Steyn: The Trial of the Century
Scandal clowning reaches new heights!
"You have a prosecutor — whether intentionally or unintentionally — reveal information that is covered by the gag order. There's nothing you can say about this as a target to put things in context."
The democrat IRS cancer grows
Wendy Davis: On second thought, it’d be impossible to craft an appropriate ban on abortion after 20 weeks
Karl Rove: Why is Rand Paul beating up on Bill Clinton for old sins?
Eight Police Officers Fire 103 Times At Two Unarmed Women Delivering Newspapers . . . Commission Rejects Calls For Any Officer To Be Fired Or Even Suspended
NOW Demands Wall Street Journal Fire Columnist James Taranto for Promoting 'Rape Culture'
Media Matters Shamelessly Lies About James Taranto
The Crime of Regret
“Rep. Dave Camp: 100 Percent of Groups Audited by IRS Were Conservative”
How @JAMyerson Blamed @SarahPalinUSA for Tucson
Friday, February 07, 2014
Links of the Week
98% percent of scientists agree that the 97% of scientists who agree with man-made global warming are only 13% of scientists in any case... and 100 % of the 13% are funded by the government
They’re Not Even Hiding It!
Jake Tapper: No, I Don’t Call Edward Snowden a Traitor
Obama’s IRS scandal: Stonewalling is not exoneration
Gheys Need to Stop Pretending They’re Just Like Black Folk
Abortion Barbie: Victim of the Patriarchy
Oh, Joy, the Left Has Found Someone New to Hate
One Of Six Omaha Cops Fired For Excessive Force, Illegal Search And Seizure Is Already Back In Uniform
Parallel Construction Revealed: How The DEA Is Trained To Launder Classified Surveillance Info
*Trust* David Plouffe, Democrats. He is all-knowing, and always right.
Lois Lerner Loves it When a Plan Comes Together
Liberals desperately trying to maintain political financing monopoly.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Links of the Day
Is Wendy Davis a Scheming Gold-Digger Who Exploits Men and Neglects Children?
Republicans Are Feeling Threatened By Wendy Davis
Wendy Davis is being Swift-boated
Let’s Just Retire “Swiftboating”
Wendy Davis is no Elizabeth Warren
Wendy Davis From Fairy Tale Land
Wendy Davis Blames HER Lies On Political Trickery -Says Paraplegic Opponent Should Walk Day In Her Shoes
Sweet, Sweet Schadenfreude
Global Warming Scientist To Be Cross-examined Under Oath
"Cooperate" With the Police -- Or Be Assaulted in Front of Your Children
Civil Liberties Board Completely Destroys Arguments For Bulk Metadata Collection: Program Is Both Illegal And Unconstitutional
New Mexico Town and County Settle Notorious Cavity Search Case For $1.8 Million
Update: The Quantum of Recovery For Rape-and-Torture-By-Police In New Mexico Is $1.6 Million
Wisconsin “John Doe” target goes on offense, threatens federal suit
Endangerment By Cop