The Hazards of Duke
Ex-Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes admits to detaining witnesses, a practice he denied last year
Paul Krugman Gets Pwn3d Like a Loudmouth in a Woody Allen Movie
IL: 5 Cops Caught Lying In Court
The willfully thick Blue wall
Social Security suspends its ancient-debt collection efforts
Quote of the Day, Stephen Colbert’s Publicist Said ‘Thanks’ edition.
The Tony Podesta / Heather Miller breakup – technically, a ‘divorce’ – promises to be fascinating.
US Has A 'Secret Exception' To Reasonable Suspicion For Putting People On The No Fly List
Friday, April 18, 2014
Links of the Week
Friday, April 11, 2014
Links of the Week
Dallas Police Union: Recording Cops ‘Creating a Major Officer Safety Issue’
IRS Agent Testimony: No Progressive Groups Were Targeted, Despite Claims By Democrats and Media
IRS agents’ testimony: NO progressive groups were targeted by IRS
True The Vote Totally Wasn't Politically Targeted, No Sirree Bob
PS, Ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings' Staff Requested, and Received, Information About True the Vote from the IRS
IRS Employees Don't Just Target Political Enemies, They Also Support Friends, Says Federal Watchdog
American people continue to be accepting of torture. :angrily: Gee, thanks, antiwar movement!
Fox News Gives Lying Weasel Chaffetz Air Time To Lie For True The Vote
MSNBC host: The real target in the IRS scandal is … the IRS
A Warrant Technicality
N.Y. search warrant case shows why we need the Exclusionary Rule
Friday, April 04, 2014
Links of the Week
DOJ Flips Out That Evidence Gathered Via FISA Orders Might Be Made Available To Defendants
Justice Breyer Pens a Remarkable Dissent in the Campaign Finance Case, Arguing that Free Expression is a Collective Right to be Permitted Only to the Extent It Furthers the "Will of the People"
The Progressive View of the First Amendment
Judge Ignores First Amendment to Protect Police State Thug
Cohan Attacks Joe Neff
Coman to Neff: Nifong Characterizations "Figments of His Imagination"
Issa to ATF Head: Why Are Major Fast and Furious Players Still Working at the Agency?
Freeman Dyson, Climate Skeptic.
Family raided by SWAT because cops found discarded tea leaves in trash
On Improving Trust between the Black Community and the Police
A Shout-out to Those Who Will Enjoy My Money