- The Duke Lacrosse and UVA rapes occurred and were covered up by smears, victim blaming and victim shaming.
- The 60 minutes Bush TANG memos are genuine and accurate as is the movie Truth about them.
- Police unions and Law Enforcement Bill of rights police insure honesty, integrity, ethics, and accountability of the Police. They do not grant more "Rights" to the Police.
- The Patriot act has prevented many terrorist attacks.
- The US Government does not engage in mass surveillance of US citizens.
- Police never lie, commit or coverup Misconduct or Perjury.
- Ted Stevens is Guilty.
- The government never engages in concealment of evidence.
- The
DOJ/ATF never walked guns to Mexico. And any guns walked were done by the
rouge ATF whistle blowers. No one in charge knew anything about the Fast
and Furious gun-walking. - The Benghazi attacks were caused by a YouTube Video.
- 'Not even a smidgen of corruption' at the IRS. There was never any targeting
of Tea party groups. Any targeting to be found was done by rogue
agents in Ohio. - Hilary Clinton dodged sniper fire in Kosovo.
- Davyoe is a independent moderate.
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, April 01, 2016
2 Political Junkies: April Fools Day!
In response to 2 Political Junkies: April Fools Day! , we'd like to offer these APRIL FOOL'S DAY jokes:
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