Based on Her Record, Not Qualified to be President
Stupid Old Whore Katie Couric Regrets Conveying the Misimpression That She Is Stupid and an Old Whore‘Under the Gun’ Director Refuses to Apologize to ‘Radical’ Group
Katie Couric: On second thought, I can see why that highly deceptive edit in our gun-control movie might be misleadingGun group on Katie Couric apology: Nice try
No, Katie Couric Did Not Apologize For That Deceptive Edit
Steyn steps up ‘sticking it to the Mann’ -files for expedited hearing
No free passes anymore
Democrat Criminals and Foreign Terror Squads Attack American Citizens
FBI Kept Demanding Email Records Despite DOJ Saying It Needed a Warrant
Hero Cops
“Hold on!”: The Last Words of Corey Jones
City Pays Out Again
The South Carolina police files: Gunslinging raids, coverups and magical dog sniffs
Timothy Runnels, Cop Who Beat And Tased Teen Into A Coma Gets Four Years
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