Friday, January 13, 2017

2 Political Junkies: T-Minus 7 days Until The Beginning Of The Trump Presidency (Supreme Court II)

2 Political Junkies: T-Minus 7 days Until The Beginning Of The Trump Presidency (Supreme Court II)

 "Donald Trump will be sworn in in a week.  As we ponder
that panic, let's look back at a few episodes from the past 8 years -
all with the understanding that Trump would never/could never be able to
accomplish any of it.


After the panic, we should ponder what we're losing.

Time to ponder yet again exactly what it is we're losing. 
Fuck your Feelz Butthurt Dayvoe

He didn't read Aristotle

Todd Kincannon · @ToddKincannon

Had dinner with a political operative friend last night. He said "I
had no idea that all it took to win was to call Democrats and media
worthless pieces of shit all the time. I thought you had to be
reasonably nice. Trump has shown me the light. Fuck the Left." 

This is an exact quote.

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