Monday, June 12, 2017

2 Political Junkies: More Voter ID Shenanigans From The Tribune-Review

2 Political Junkies: More Voter ID Shenanigans From The Tribune-Review

"the impending impeachment of the little-handed pussy-grabber "
6/11/17 The Dayvoe predicted the impeachment of Trump.  Time to bring back the IMPEACH banner?

Is this the same Dayvoe who quotes that Dark Money Democracy alliance groups CAP, Think Progress, Media Matters, American Bridge, Lawfare, CREW,  et al. dismissing Public Interest Legal Foundation as partisan?

Trump's Voter Fraud Myth is also false because ACLU v. Trump opinion says Illegal Aliens have all of the same Constitutional Rights as US Citizens including voting.

Voter Fraud is just a myth like the Vietnam vet spitting Myth where Jerry Lembcke said there were no news articles about it occurring until someone found one.

 Quote of the Day.
 To say the SPLC tracks hate groups is a bit disingenuous. They “create” the hate groups they track, designating any person or group that fails to use the speech they deem appropriate as a hate group.

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