NSC Refuses to Turn Over FOIA'd Docs on Unmasking to Judicial Watch; Says They've Been Turned Over to the Obama Library, Which Will Keep Them Secret for Five Years
Shooter Was Big Fan of Queen of Conspiracies Rachel Maddow; Driven to Violence By Climate of Hate Pushed by Left and Media
"Zoey" Tur, a Transgender Woman Who Used To Be (and Some Might Say, Still Is) a Man, Accuses Hyperprog Daughter Katy Tur of Being "Transphobic" and Insufficiently Dedicated to Trans Cause "In These Alt-Right Times"
Powerline: Jim Comey Was "Untruthful" When He Claimed In His Testimony He Took No Notes on George W. Bush
Southern Poverty Law Center Demonized Steve Scalise, but Now Distances Itself from Shooter Who 'Liked' SPLC on Facebook
Adam Schiff Threatens to Violate Constitution–Twice–with Independent Counsel
Rolling Stone settles lawsuit brought by fraternity for $1.6 million
Rolling Stone Pays UVA Frat $1.65 Million for Sabrina Rubin Erdely's Hate Hoax Article
PLUM LINE‘S PAUL WALDMAN: Everybody Needs to Stop Telling Hillary Clinton to Shut Up.
Westworth Village, Texas and Having Values for the Police
Pennsylvania Assembly Calls For Annual Audits of Everything Cops Seize
‘Violence of any kind is unacceptable’: Bernie Sanders condemns shooting in ‘strongest possible terms’
The Slants Hangover
Don’t Subpoena Me, Bro
New York Times Perpetuates An Outright Lie
The NYT Is Straight-Up Lying About Sarah Palin And Gabby Giffords
LOCK HIM UP: Sanders on policy isn't enough!
If The Alexandria Shooter Alone Is Responsible For His Actions, That Standard Should Always Apply
Supreme Court unanimously reaffirms: There is no ‘hate speech’ exception to the First Amendment
Sorry, but it is about politics, not guns
Trump blocks VoteVets on Twitter
Dem Sen. Dick Durbin Suggests That Concealed Carry Laws Prevent Free Speech On College Campuses…
How Not to Get Shot in a Traffic Stop
FBI Report on Alexandria Quietly Debunks the Gun-Controllers’ Talking Points
The case for restricting hate speech
CA Court Tosses Out 14 Charges Against Pro-life Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood’s Baby Part Market
Next Up: Special Counsel To Probe Team Obama’s Obstruction Of Justice
When Cops Lie
Short Take: The LA Times’ Balancing Act
3 Reasons Why Eric Holder Is the Perfect Presidential Candidate for the Democratic Party (Though Not America)
Beat-Downs are OK if You Allege Bad Behavior in Worthington
Ladies and gentlemen, behold, the Motte and Bailey trick:
Impeach Biden "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts." - Ambassador Londo Mollari - Babylon 5
Friday, June 23, 2017
Monday, June 12, 2017
2 Political Junkies: More Voter ID Shenanigans From The Tribune-Review
2 Political Junkies: More Voter ID Shenanigans From The Tribune-Review
"the impending impeachment of the little-handed pussy-grabber "
6/11/17 The Dayvoe predicted the impeachment of Trump. Time to bring back the IMPEACH banner?
Is this the same Dayvoe who quotes that Dark Money Democracy alliance groups CAP, Think Progress, Media Matters, American Bridge, Lawfare, CREW, et al. dismissing Public Interest Legal Foundation as partisan?
Trump's Voter Fraud Myth is also false because ACLU v. Trump opinion says Illegal Aliens have all of the same Constitutional Rights as US Citizens including voting.
Voter Fraud is just a myth like the Vietnam vet spitting Myth where Jerry Lembcke said there were no news articles about it occurring until someone found one.
Quote of the Day.
"the impending impeachment of the little-handed pussy-grabber "
6/11/17 The Dayvoe predicted the impeachment of Trump. Time to bring back the IMPEACH banner?
Is this the same Dayvoe who quotes that Dark Money Democracy alliance groups CAP, Think Progress, Media Matters, American Bridge, Lawfare, CREW, et al. dismissing Public Interest Legal Foundation as partisan?
Trump's Voter Fraud Myth is also false because ACLU v. Trump opinion says Illegal Aliens have all of the same Constitutional Rights as US Citizens including voting.
Voter Fraud is just a myth like the Vietnam vet spitting Myth where Jerry Lembcke said there were no news articles about it occurring until someone found one.
Quote of the Day.
To say the SPLC tracks hate groups is a bit disingenuous. They “create” the hate groups they track, designating any person or group that fails to use the speech they deem appropriate as a hate group.
Friday, June 09, 2017
Links of the Week
Tulsa Police Sergeant Rohloff: An Example of What Officers Should Not Do
Without Personal Consequences, Oversight Fast and Furious Report Brings No One Closer to Justice
Op-Ed Actually, hate speech is protected speech
But For Video: Getting Kicks At Burning Man
Short Take: The Disappeared Evergreen Video
This Machine Kills Accountability: The Ongoing Persecution Of Good Cops
Congress Getting Pissed Off Over Failure Of Intel Community To Reveal How Many Americans Are Being Spied On
Tulsa Police Sergeant Rohloff: An Example of What Officers Should Not Do
Without Personal Consequences, Oversight Fast and Furious Report Brings No One Closer to Justice
Op-Ed Actually, hate speech is protected speech
But For Video: Getting Kicks At Burning Man
Short Take: The Disappeared Evergreen Video
This Machine Kills Accountability: The Ongoing Persecution Of Good Cops
Congress Getting Pissed Off Over Failure Of Intel Community To Reveal How Many Americans Are Being Spied On
Friday, June 02, 2017
Links of the Week
FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?
James Rosen: Comey's FBI Broke Its Own Rules & Procedures On Spying On Americans
Portland Mayor Demands Feds Bar Conservative Group From Speaking
Portland Mayor Employs Shameless Tactic in Attempt to Suppress Free Speech Rallies
So many subjects, so little time
Judge in Katie Couric ‘Under the Gun’ libel case calls argument against background checks ‘sophistry’
NYT Covers Up Hillary’s Nixon Impeachment Error With Fake Correction and Headline
Susan Rice, John Brennan, and Samantha Power Subpoenaed to Testify on Unmasking
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum -- Again
Flashback: In 2004, Al Franken, Who Would Later Be Elected Senator With No Media Outrage, Body-Slammed (For Real) a Protester at a Howard Dean Rally
Put Up Or Shut Up
Neil DeGrasse Tyson slams Trump over Paris Agreement decision
The Amazing Arrogance of the Paris Climate Agreement
The Paris Agreement Is a Treaty. Treat It as Such.
Fired Pittsburgh Police Sergeant Convicted in Civil Rights Trial over Violent Heinz Field Arrest
Paris Accord: Trump says ‘no’ to the global elitist scam and the globalists howl
EFF Sues FBI For Refusing To Turn Over Documents About Its Geek Squad Informants
Oh My God: Now the Deep State is Leaking the Name of the Undercover, Clandestine Agent Appointed to Be Head of Iran Desk, Because He's an "Iran Hawk" Who Might Undo Their Iran Deal
James Rosen: Comey's FBI Broke Its Own Rules & Procedures On Spying On Americans
Portland Mayor Demands Feds Bar Conservative Group From Speaking
Portland Mayor Employs Shameless Tactic in Attempt to Suppress Free Speech Rallies
So many subjects, so little time
Judge in Katie Couric ‘Under the Gun’ libel case calls argument against background checks ‘sophistry’
NYT Covers Up Hillary’s Nixon Impeachment Error With Fake Correction and Headline
Susan Rice, John Brennan, and Samantha Power Subpoenaed to Testify on Unmasking
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum -- Again
Flashback: In 2004, Al Franken, Who Would Later Be Elected Senator With No Media Outrage, Body-Slammed (For Real) a Protester at a Howard Dean Rally
Put Up Or Shut Up
Neil DeGrasse Tyson slams Trump over Paris Agreement decision
The Amazing Arrogance of the Paris Climate Agreement
The Paris Agreement Is a Treaty. Treat It as Such.
Fired Pittsburgh Police Sergeant Convicted in Civil Rights Trial over Violent Heinz Field Arrest
Paris Accord: Trump says ‘no’ to the global elitist scam and the globalists howl
EFF Sues FBI For Refusing To Turn Over Documents About Its Geek Squad Informants
Oh My God: Now the Deep State is Leaking the Name of the Undercover, Clandestine Agent Appointed to Be Head of Iran Desk, Because He's an "Iran Hawk" Who Might Undo Their Iran Deal