Wednesday, May 29, 2019

If they impeach Trump, he may leak this email.

To:  U.S. Attorney for the District of Arizona Dennis K. Burke.
From: Attorney General Eric Holder
CC: Deputy Attorney General David W. Ogden, Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer, acting ATF Director Kenneth E. Melson, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Administrator Michele Leonhart, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Robert Mueller. President Barack Obama
Date: October 27, 2009
Subject: Operation Fast and Furious
I had a meeting with the President about using the "gunwalking" tactic we discussed to catch Mexican Drug cartel gunrunners.   He approves that this program is the best course of action to covertly fight the NRA.  He does not want to pick a fight with the NRA until he is safely reelected, Even if no one is convicted, it will help bolster the talking point that 90 percent of Mexico's recovered crime guns come from the U.S.

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