Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Impeach 45! Trump must be Impeached!

The Democrats should impeach Trump.
    “When a president openly threatens the integrity of the justice system, and says he has unlimited power to do so in the future, he not only can be impeached, he must be impeached.
    “Impeach Trump now.
The currently known irrefutable evidence from the Mueller report, Cohen tapes and the Steele dossier that will be exposed to the public during the impeachment hearing will convince 20 Republican Senators that Trump must be removed from office.

The IC had the goods on Trump and he should have been impeached before he was President for 6 months. It is terrible. Mueller has the evidence show Trump colluded with Russia, is a traitor and Putin’s puppet. But it can not be released as it would undermine the American’s faith in Obama, the Rule of Law and US Government Law Enforcement institutions.

I hope Trump does not panic and release all the Obama administration documents on Fast and Furious, IRS targeting of Tea Party groups and use of FISA to spy on his campaign that Trump used to blackmail Mueller and the DOJ into not filing charges. It will be Mutual Assured Destruction. Mueller will release the TRUE Mueller report and Steele Dossier which have even more evidence that was gathered using illegal means to impeach Trump.

During the impeachment,the Republicans should hold a vigil at the Lincoln memorial like the Democrats did at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial during Clinton Impeachment.

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