ICE is the same as the SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-TV) Death's Head Units. .
The Border Patrol is the Geheime Staatspolizei (Secret State Police) Gestapo.
The DHS is the Schutzstaffel.
I am glad progressives are pushing the concentration camp narrative to pretend that AOC is not a moron and defend their pro illegal alien and open borders policies.
Bonus points for George Takei saying FDR was a fascist with concentration camps.
Do you condemn the DEA for doing the same to Daniel Chong under Obama?
BTW if you want to split hairs on AOC saying concentration camps is not comparing them to NAZI concentration camps like Auschwitz, Dachau and Ohrdruf, I do not want to hear Roy Moore is a pedophile instead of a Hebephile/Ephebophile.
2 Political Junkies: News From Trump's CONCENTRATION CAMP SYSTEM: From the AP : A 2-year-old boy locked in detention wants to be held all the time. A few girls, ages 10 to 15, say they've been doing t...
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