Friday, July 17, 2020

Of course Ironclad FISA Dayvoe stiill has comments disabled.

2 Political Junkies: When a MAGA-hat Tries To praise Trump's Response T...: Next time a MAGA-hat tries to deflect from Trump's mishandling of the Coronavirus by screeching "But he banned all the flights/trav

He pretends that Democrats would not have"screeched" of Trump had locked down the US borders.

Dayvoe ends by screeching and excusing Gov. Andrew Cuomo

"So how many people in NYC died because of Trump's failure?"

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


A Democratic Tsunami?
LOL: British Court Orders Christopher Steele to Pay Damages for Defaming People With His Russia Hoax Libels
Club For Growth Tears the Bark Off "The Lincoln Project," Exposing It As a Democrat Front Group and Pack of Grifters
Holy Shit Is S.E. Cupp a Stupid Bint
The science is settled, the facts are in
James Carville: 'Deal With It, Democrats, You're Going To Win'
Obama admin shut down H1N1 testing, complicating Biden's attacks on Trump's coronavirus screening
Qualified Immunity Reform: The Cure Is Worse than the Disease
Qualified Immunity Is a Test for Conservatives
Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Manipulators Are More Likely To Engage in 'Virtuous Victim Signaling,' Says Study
Phony Overtime, Fictional Drug Buys, and Mysterious C.I. Payments Offer a Glimpse of Houston Police Corruption
NY PBA President Lynch Argues For The End of Public Sector Unions
Bill to Restrict Qualified Immunity Accidentally Makes the Case for It
The Rise in COVID-19 Cases Explained
Explosive New FBI Notes Confirm Obama Directed Anti-Flynn Operation
D&D Ditches ‘Evil’ Species In A Woke, Clumsy Attempt To Fight Racism
Daily Caller reporter attacked by protesters for using phone to record; Police had to pull her to safety…
RBG and the wise latina
The corrupt FBI and the compliant media
Appeals Court Strips Immunity From Abusive Cops Who Assaulted A Compliant Black Man... And The City That Allowed This To Happen
Police Memo Says Officers Raiding A Journalist's Home Were Instructed To Turn Off Their Body Cameras
Another gut punch for McRapey
A Short Tutorial On The General Flynn Case Procedures
Greg’s List
Hagia Sophia: Turkish Propaganda vs. Documented History
Peter Navarro: Anthony Fauci Has Been Wrong On Every Single Claim He's Made About Covid

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Best argument that the Duke Lacrosse rapists were guilt.

Greg Tift says:
Nifong created this problem for himself by not getting a gag order. A gag order would have put a cap on the defense team and key witnesses in the case and there would have been a strong chance this case would have made it to trial.
The defense team was allowed to give press conferences and put a spin on the case. This spin was accepted as truth by the public in general. After all it was only a black woman’s word against the white elite. Nifong should have been aware of this, because this case had elements of race as a factor.
I do not believe for one moment the accuser made up the whole thing no matter what the media or district attorney says.
The media is not the tier of facts and the case should not have been decided because of public opinion.
The judicial system does not work like it suppose too when you have powerful white people pulling strings behind the scene. This is what happened in this case and it is obvious, otherwise this case goes to court like many cases before this one.
If these defendants are so “innocent” they should have no problem proving the accuser a liar in a court of Law, where it counts the most.
Their behavior on the night of the crime would have exposed these defendants as degenerates.
People would have little doubt that they may have committed the things they were accused of.
This is why they did not want a trial; plain and simple.
Not to defend Nifong but I don’t see him any different then most prosecutors who want to take a case to trial. And like most prosecutors wining is not a sure thing. They know that going in.
Most people say Nifong had no case at all, yet they were afraid of him presenting his case in court. Why is that?
If people are certain he had no case they should welcome a trial so they can laugh at him make a fool of him self. Since that wasn’t good enough for them it became clear to me that the defense team was afraid of trial.
Many defendants claim they did nothing wrong before going to court, but when they finally go to trial it turned out they are guilty as charged.
It is a sad day in America when people and the media rather attack and discredit a woman crying for help then support her right to a fair trial.