Wednesday, July 13, 2022

growing consensus among social justice advocates that bigoted or simply emotionally triggering speech is akin to physical violence and should be regulated as such.

 This point at the end of her article stuck out to me and set off alarm bells.

“an important [Question] meriting coolheaded analysis”… “of the seemingly growing consensus among social justice advocates that bigoted or simply emotionally triggering speech is akin to physical violence and should be regulated as such.”

No, “growing consensus among social justice advocates ” does not trump Free Speech.

Two Books Explore the Furor Over Rape on Campus

This is too bad, because the question of how campuses should combat sexual assault while upholding important principles of legal fairness is an important one meriting coolheaded analysis. The same is true of the seemingly growing consensus among social justice advocates that bigoted or simply emotionally triggering speech is akin to physical violence and should be regulated as such. But unlike Kipnis’s book, “The Campus Rape Frenzy” is neither thought-provoking nor revealing of uncomfortable truths — except, perhaps, in demonstrating that implicit misogyny continues to permeate American culture, contributing not just to sexual violence itself, but to the ways we understand, discuss and write books about it.

Outside the Beltway cesspool of Liberals — DailyKOS 2.0

Smooth Jazz says:

Yawn. How many times have we heard since Trump started campaigning in 2015 that the walls are ‘closing’ in? 576? Mueller? Russian collusion? Alfa bank? Pee tape? Dirty dossier? etc etc etc. Trump is boorish, self centered, narcissistic & clearly can’t control himself, but you can’t charge people for being “cray cray”, tweeting fanciful stuff that crazy people run with, for challenging a dubious election where Dems in certain key states changes codified state laws to benefit their candidate under the guise of COVID, or because the DC cocoon doesn’t like his personality.

At a time when inflation is approaching the Carter malaise years & folks purchasing power are destroyed by the policies of this Admin, this 1 sided “January 6th” is revealing itself to be a CNN & MSNBC side show, perceived as a fraud by 50% of the Country. The people who have thought Trump was Hitler ever since hem came on the scene will buy into this, but half the Country can see through this January 6th committee BS & grandstanding, including the lack of exculpatory evidence such as when Trump told the people to march to the Capitol ‘peacefully’ in his Jan 6 speech. This is a BIG deal, but this 1 sided committee apparently thinks he was joking, while serious about other thoughts they want to put in his mind.

Their “bombshell” witness Ms Hutchison credibility has been compromised & most of the other “bombshell” testimony is from people on his staff who didn’t think the election was stolen. Yawn. He felt otherwise. Trump didn’t commit a crime for having the POV that the election was stolen. & this pressure on the DOJ to “charge” Trump is unseemly. Charge him for what exactly? For being “cray cray”. If that’s the case, maybe the DOJ should charge people that objected to Repubs winning the Presidency in 2000, 2004 & 2016.

I realize you Dems need something to mitigate the wipeout that is coming in the Midterms this Nov, but this grandstanding Jan 6 committee isn’t it. Sorry. It is obvious the people on this committee are about the lucrative anti-Trump DC grift @ this point (CNN hits, etc) & got nothing beyond a few crazies who rioted at the Capitol. 


“As if all he did was have a point of view. Get the fuck out if you’re going to try gaslighting us with this bullshit.”

This is why I was saying the other day that this once middle of the road blog has evolved into a cesspool of Liberals — DailyKOS 2.0 for example — who only listen to each other in a self reinforcing cocoon where dissent is not tolerated and where Conservatives are attacked.

Your profanity laced post is 1 of the reasons why Conservatives no longer post here from what I can tell. You people R getting more unhinged by the day as you come to the realization Biden is failed POTUS & you’ve put everything in this 1 sided January 6th committee.

What did Trump do that is a chargeable offense?? What has this January 6th proven beyond hearsay & grandstanding by NeverTrumpers looking to cash in on anti Trump $ grift & CNN hits? Be specific.