Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Only prosecutors get to quote dicta

Jack Smith in this indictment quoted a single judge in Trump v. Wisconsin. But I am not allowed to quote the plaintiffs, Soyomayor or RBG in Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action because true lawyers would not do that.

On December 14, the Wisconsin Supreme Court rejected an election challenge by
the Campaign. One Justice wrote, “[N]othing in this case casts any legitimate doubt that the people of Wisconsin lawfully chose Vice President Biden and Senator Harris to be the next leaders of our great country.”

Progressive double standard. Prosecutors are smart legal geniuses for using the same argument that shows you are a member of cult.
WRONG!! bad legal theory and arguments: Quoting dicta to show that the last 4 females appointed to Supreme court by Democrats believe the 14th amendment and due process protections from it do not apply to white people.

CORRECT!! Smart and savvy legal theory and arguments: Prosecutors quoting dicta in the Trump indictments. Like DA Bragg mentioning the Trump Access Hollywood tape in his indictment.

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