Report: Sherrod To Sue Breitbart
New financial regulation reform bill exempts SEC from FOIA
New meme: Fox News got Sherrod fired because its website published a story about her
Is New Scientist making things up?
DNCC still whistling past the graveyard of Nov. election
Sherrod Update: More Awesomeness
Not Particularly Surprising
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Links of the Day
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Links of the Day
FHWiR Update: New Lies for Old
A Response to Thernstrom on the New Black Panther Case
Absolute moral authority
John Kerry Is A Lying Sack of Shit
Sully on Journolist Trig Truthers: You hypocrites!
Full Sherrod Video: Violence Against Cops, Judges And Lawyers?
Al Franken Warns Gravely: Darryl Issa of the Oversight Committee Is Planning On Doubling His Staff Should His Party Win In November
Media Matters Dishonestly Spins Anti-Fox Message Over Sherrod Firing
Monday, July 26, 2010
Links of the Day
Grim Days for Global Warmenists
Health Care Reform's Terrible, Tiny Tax
Is Megan McArdle Always Wrong?
Sherrod: "We Must Stop The White Man And His Uncle Toms ..."
Oh That Tom Friedman
Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann hides atop the climate change ivory tower
Editing the Public Record of Context: Keach and Vogel Show Edition
Oh What A Difference 22 Months Make
New peer reviewed paper refutes claims of blizzards of last winter being driven by “global warming”
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Links of the Day
Meet the New Journolist, Smaller Than the Old Journolist
When the Double Standard Becomes Ludicrous
Permanent Record
The biggest moron in the world
Correction Request: Media Matters For America Incorrectly Labels Two Full Video Excerpts as ‘Heavily Edited’
Congressman Dodges Question About His "N"-Word Accusation
Der Joürnolist: The Media Scorecard:
Arch-propagandist troubled by media’s lack of ethics
Schultz Says Breitbart 'Nutjob, Makes Me Sick' But Whines Won't Come On Show
Breitbart, in Perspective
In Defense of Andrew Breitbart
Ezra Wails: "I didn't believe there was anything to hide."
Blatant Misrepresentation by Muir Russell Panel
Journolisters go after … Keith Olbermann?
New Obscenity Prosecution – United States v. Adult DVD Empire
Eugene Robinson on Fringe Violence
JournoList Revelations Suggest Founder Ezra Klein Not Accurate in Defenses of Liberal Group
Sherrod: Breitbart wants to take us back to the days of slavery
Ed Schultz speech to nutroots conference pretty much what you’d expect
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Links of the Day – JournoList Edition
Reporters at Pravda weren’t this insufferable
Daily Caller discovers Journolist plot to spike Wright story, smear conservatives as racists
Leaks Show JournoList Members Plotting to Push Back Against Rev. Wright Stories, Accuse Random Republicans of Being Racist
JournoList, Round Two
Climategate inquiry glosses over the facts
Monday, July 19, 2010
Links of the Day
I Guess it Depends on the Meaning of "Absolutely not a tax increase"
Health Care: Turns Out To Be A Tax After All
Health insurance mandate – Obama administration now arguing it is a tax
The New Scientist rocks our world
Wa Po’s Silence on New Black Panthers Story:
Now It's Serwer v. Serwer v. The Truth On The New Black Panthers
Lee Fang: Deception or Incompetence?
Calling New York Times: Congressman John Lewis was NOT 'Showered With Hateful Epithets Outside the Capitol' Last March
The NAACP Awards Racism–2010
Oxburgh and the Jones Admission
Chronicle Review Admits Bellesiles’s Story is False — Blames Student, not Bellesiles
Phil Jones got to endorse papers for Oxburgh inquiry
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Links of the Day
Olbermann Douchebag Davie Weigel Dumps On Megyn Kelly
My Brief Attempt At Public Service (New Black Panther Division)
Solving Jigsaw Puzzles With Reason
Think Progress: Hey, As Evidence That The Tea Party Is Racist, Here's A Video Featuring Some Signs We Ourselves Made Up As Part of the "Crash the Tea Party" Effort
Who But a Corporate Apologist Would Argue That the Food You Choose to Eat Is a Personal Matter?
USA Today denounces wiretapping arrests; Cops offer flimsy argument
SPLC promoted Bill Ayers, didn't reveal terrorist past
Washington Post's Greg Sargent Tries To Read Minds, Dishonestly Insults Conservatives Instead
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Links of the Day
Weigel, Rest of the Left Change the Facts on the New Black Panther Case
Either Olbermann Doesn’t Know How to Use Google… or He’s a Liar
Roman Polanski's Freedom -- And Unmitigated Gall
NAACP Escalates War Against Tea Party Using Phantom ‘N-Word’ as Justification
Careful Reading Tuesday
King Samir Shabazz Should Be 2010’s Willie Horton
The Rise And Fall Of The Left's New Black Panther Strawman
Where Did Rep. Rodriguez (D-TX) Get that $4.1 Trillion Number From?
MFM "Fact Check:" Obama Didn't Say What He Said When He Said It
Promises, Promises
I Promise Project I Will Not Let This Go
People safe from arrest in taping of police work, DA reminds
The Narrative of our "National Conversation" is "SHUT UP!"
Lest you wonder
Climategate and the Big Green Lie
Rachel Maddow is a Dishonest Hack part 3
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Rachel Maddow repeated her ACORN deception from April 6, 2010 and dishonestly "edited" the CA AG report again to make it look like Vera reported O'Keefe and Giles to the police immediately instead of 9 Days later.
From the Transcript of 'The Rachel Maddow Show' for Monday, July 12th, 2010
Quoting from the attorney general‘s report, “Immediately after the couple left, Mr. Vera telephoned his cousin, Detective Alejandro Hernandez, at the National City Police Department … [and said] that a self-admitted prostitute had been to the office and was discussing human smuggling. Detective Hernandez contacted detective Mark Haas at the San Diego Police Department. Detective Haas works with cases involving human smuggling.”
From the CA Attorney General's Report [PDF]
Immediately after the couple left, Vera telephoned his cousin, Detective Alejandro Hernandez, at the National City Police Department. [He left a voicemail message for Detective Hernandez stating that some “crazy people” were in his office providing information. Vera did not explain
the substance of the conversation and did not make reference to prostitution or human smuggling on the message. He asked his cousin to call him back. (Interview with Vera; Vera Phone Records, at p. 4 [reflecting a 2-minute call to Detective Hernandez’s cell phone at 6:40 p.m.];
Detective Hernandez Phone Records, at p. 132 [reflecting a call to voicemail at 6:45 p.m.].)
Later that day, Vera also reported the incident to fellow ACORN employee Cruz Acosta. Acosta had been away from the office while the couple was present. Vera explained to him what happened. Vera also reported the incident, either the same day or shortly thereafter, to Mar 15
Murrillon, an ACORN board member. Vera told Murrillon that he had reported the incident to the police. (Vera Interview.)
Vera eventually spoke with Detective Hernandez on August 27, 2009. He told Detective Hernandez ] …[and said] that a self-admitted prostitute had been to the office and was discussing human smuggling. He did not know the exact location where the smuggling would take place. Detective Hernandez said he would contact someone in law enforcement who dealt with that area and get back to Vera. (Interview with Detective Alejandro Hernandez, October 8, 2009; Detective Hernandez Phone Records, at p. 115 [reflecting 12-minute call between Vera and Detective Hernandez on August 27, 2009 at 5:07 p.m.].) The next day, Detective Hernandez and his partner, Detective Steve Villariasa, contacted Detective Mark Haas at the San Diego Police Department. Detective Haas works with cases involving human smuggling
Monday, July 12, 2010
Links of the Day
MSNBC: Red-Faced Over Olbermann Lincoln Gaffe?
Olbermann Claimed He’d Never Call a Woman ‘Idiot,’ But Tags Palin ‘Idiot’ 22 Times
From the grounds of the Coffee Party rises …
Nationalizing King Samir Shabazz?
Attempting to redefine reality
The Fox Cycle: From bogus right-wing attack to mainstream news
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Links of the Day
Climategate Scientists "Unhelpful" -- But Basically Exonerated
Socialist Dr. Berwick Gets Recess Appointment
“Pic of the Day: MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Dons the Hijab…”
“I Hate White People”
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Dons the Hijab…
The Muir Russell CRU Apologia is out
David Weigel, Journolist, and the Washington Post
You Can’t Be Serious!
New Black Panther Leader Shabazz Blames FOX News For Voter Intimidation Scandal
What is the Cost of Looking the Other Way at Black Racism?
The Paper Greenwald
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Links of the Day
Nah, Instapundit, it’s Deep Ones.
Amanda Marcotte: The Pleasure of Sadism Is the Force Behind Conservatism
A Reluctant Rebuttal to Sullivan
Wonder Woman Reboot: Strident Feminism Is the Problem, Not the Costume
Pan Am Bomber Could Live Another 10 or 20 Years
76 Days Later – “Whale” Super Skimmer Goes to Work on Gulf Oil Spill
More Watching of the Watchers
Ft. Lauderdale cop forced to resign after wrongful arrest caught on video
Cop Block bloggers arrested on felony wiretapping charges for filming cops
Tonya Craft and Valerie Carlton in Perspective: The Media
Disgraced ‘Historian’ Michael Bellesiles’ Fishy War Story
Just Making It Up As They Go Along
MEDIA MATTERS: Philly ACORN Office Called The Cops On Gotcha Duo Posing As Pimp And Hooker
Executive Compensation, Continued
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Links of the Day
Oops! 2002 Document: In Case of Spill, Thad Allen Indicated That Coast Guard Incident Commander (Future Thad Allen) Should Waive Jones Act:
Markos Moulitsas reveals his popular Daily Kos website has been 100% satire for the last 18 months:
Just Thwarted Sperm
Fabricating the Oil Cleanup
Right Wing Thuggery
Over at Media Matters, Eric Boehlert is writing about me.