Updates on The Murder of Cpl. Guerena
What Does the SWAT Marine Data Dump Prove?
Video Proves SWAT Lies
EDITORIAL: Murder with a badge
Ann Althouse Says it's Unfair to Compare Scott Lemieux to Spencer Ackerman: 'I'm trying to punish LGM'
The Never Ending Story
Seattle Pays $1.5M to Family of Victim of Police Shooting
The Right to Record
Keith Olbermann’s authoritarianism exposed
‘The Undefeated’: Congratulations to Andrew Sullivan!
Johnson on the Weiner: You Wingnuts Are Crazy For Not Believing… Wait, What is the Official Story Again?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Links of the Day
Friday, May 27, 2011
Links of the Day
Joy Ride for Justice: FBI Agent Wrecks Stolen Ferrari After Taking Friend Out For A Spin . . . DOJ Refuses To Pay For Damage
Joe Conason lies about PPP WI recall poll.
Cops Win and Lose Anyway
Fraternal Order of police director claims that recording police violates their civil rights
Yes, jackbooted government thugs
Pima County SWAT Releases Helmet Cam Video, Mike Storie Continues To Beclown Himself
More From Pima County
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Links of the Day
Know What “Climate Scientists” Hate? Having To Show Their Work
An Honest Obama Campaign
Hero's Twelve Year Quest to Make False Reporting a Felony Offense Moves Closer to Reality
Don't Need No Stinkin' Freedom of Information - Shut Up and Just Trust What We Tell You
Quote of the Day
Sure, I don’t have the authority to rule on parliamentary procedures of the legislative body; and sure, the dude who brought the case had no real standing. And yes, I realize that I will almost certainly be overturned on appeal, now that the union goons were unable to steal a state supreme court election.
But fuck it. I didn’t become a judge to protect the status quo. Being a liberal judge means protecting the people, and in this case, it means protecting the people — who accidentally installed a conservative into the statehouse — from themselves. Or, to put it another way, THE LAW BELONGS TO ME!
The many rewards of bigotry: Why right-wing 'libertarianism' on race is a lie -- and a cover
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Links of the Day
Texas close to banning TSA searches, TSA invents desperate new constitutional interpretations
Hilarious: Andrea Mitchell, Christiane Amanapour Whine About How Terrible It Was For Netanyahu To Spank Obama
Guns tracing to Mexico
I Don’t Want to Hear Anything More About How Stupid Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann or Any Other Republican Woman Is…
Lee Fang: Math is Hard
Obama adviser tells Congress she has more important things to do
Homeschool or die vol. 7
Grassley vows to block nominees until he gets answers on gun sales
Seventy-One Shots: The Death of Jose Guereña
Mike Storie Should STFU For The Sake of His Clients
Jose Guerena Killed: Arizona Cops Shoot Ex-Marine In Botched Pot Raid
Right-Wing Media Compare Gore To Fringe Preacher Who Incorrectly Predicted Rapture
Philly Police: We Promise To Continue To Violate Your Rights
City ordered to stop naming disciplined SPD officers
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Links of the Day
Death Squad Damage Control in Tucson
Oath Keepers to Rally in Tucson on Memorial Day Over Death of Young Marine Veteran
Best. Quote. Ever.
New York Magazine’s Shameless Media Matters Fluff Piece
McIntyre: Climategate Documents Confirm Wegman’s Hypothesis
Inside the Media Bubble, Bias Doesn’t Look Biased
Monday, May 23, 2011
Links of the Day
The Ever Changing Story.
“At the wrong place at the wrong time in his own home”
Sheriff Clarence ‘New Tone’ Dupnik Defends Shooting of Iraq Vet 60 Times
Police get paid vacations and overtime for gangland-style beating of honors student
More on "Project Gunwalker"
The "Borking" of Goodwin Liu
Obama’s soon-to-be illegal war–where’s the outrage?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Links of the Day
Philadelphia District Attorney R. Seth Williams Should Be Arrested
Philadelphia District Attorney R. Seth Williams Is A Thug
How to wipe the smirk off Stephen Colbert’s face
Is Colbert Smart Enough to Know He Just Proved That Citizens United Was Correctly Decided?
Judges are political, and confirmation votes are political, too
In Liu of Victory…
In Case Anyone Cares, Obama Is Fighting What Is Actually, Demonstrably an "Illegal War"
Do Filibusters of Judicial Nominations Show “Disrespect” to the Courts?
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Links of the Day
Major ATF Phoenix shake-up after "Gunwalker"
Open-Carry Experiment Shows Cops Don't Know Their Own Gun Laws
Daniels Just Loves the Guy Who Wants Cops Coming Through Your Front Door In Random House to House Searches
Shocker: Cops caught on camera committing crimes
Cop accosts a man legally carrying a gun, and guess what?
Lee Fang’s Own Center for American Progress Takes Foreign Money to Influence Elections
Sean Lanigan is lucky: At least the Fairfax County Police didn't murder him
Food fight at Tiffany’s
New York Times Forced To Correct Claim That Incidents Of Fracking Contaminations Are “Numerous”
New documents suggest Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan involved with crafting legal defense of Obamacare
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Links of the Day
WI Gov. Walker uses tactics favored by gay groups to drop state defense of law establishing domestic partnership registry
Maddow Loses Her Mind in Hatred for Reagan
Whitewashing history
They haven’t recalled or otherwise removed this guy YET?
Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him
Wahpeton Cop Who Arrested Kid For Recording Him Gets Suspended
Police Report From Controversial Wahpeton Arrest Made Public
Crony Capitalism: Queen Pelosi Helps Secure Obamacare Waivers for Businesses in her House District
Philadelphia Cops Arrest Man For Uploading Youtube Video
Police are violent, vulgar, ignorant scum
Philadelphia Police Wrongly Accuse Man of Gun Violation in Abuse Confrontation And Then Charge Him Instead With Disorderly Conduct
Why it Can Be Valuable to Carry a Gun and a Recorder
The Power of False Accusations
Falsely Accused Teacher Sean Lanigan
THE TERM “FEMINAZI” WOULDN’T PROVOKE SUCH OUTRAGE if it didn’t hide more than a grain of truth. If the shoe fits, wear it proudly!
Lee Fang and Center For American Progress Use Foreign Money to Influence American Elections
Salon’s Joan Walsh: Predictable and Racist Buffoon
Monday, May 16, 2011
Links of the Day
FBI: You’ll get mad if we tell you.
This Alone Disqualifies Mitch Daniels for the White House
Bill Clinton: Hey, let’s have a Ministry of Truth, or something
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: “oops, we lied”
Resistance is Futile
The Brave Sir Robins of atheism
Man who clashed with cops over legal gun was also armed with audio recorder
Philly Police Harass, Threaten to Shoot Man Legally Carrying Gun
Philly OC Abuse Case Getting Media Attention
Minnesota: Behold your Senator!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Links of the Day
Why Criminalize Dickery When We Have Google?
It’s Called Crooks And Liars For A Reason
High School Student Criminally Charged For Ranking Girls on Facebook
Phoenix Cop becomes famous in teh intarwebz
Mediaite's Frances Martel: Credentialed, Not Educated
Former “alarmist” scientist says Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) based in false science
As if on cue–AGW group doctors sea-level numbers
Police murder a Marine
Federal Judge Orders FBI to Answer Questions About Missing Oklahoma City Bombing Videotapes
Murder Of A Marine?
The Left’s Penchant for Selectively Editing Videos
Maddow's 'Bunk' History
Rapists Not Viewed as Criminals?
Global Warming Cultists: Observational Evidence Is For Homos
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Links of the Day
Monday, May 09, 2011
Links of the Day
Teenager Detained for Filming Police
Noam Chomsky is remarkably ignorant…
Kids Nowadays! With Their Cameras, Their Questions, Their Expos Hats, and Their Arrests for Filming Cops
ATF Bought Guns for Cartels?
Pakistan has some explaining to do
DOJ deflects Gunrunner, Fast and Furious blame to local officials
John Kerry to People With Questions About Bin Laden Raid: “Shut Up”…
The Prosecution Rests, but I Can’t
America’s Least Plausible Populist?
Roadkill Never Won an Argument
The “Flailing Around Blindly” Method At ThinkProgress
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Links of the Day
Reason 2 why it is better we killed OBL than captured him
The Obama Administration’s cloud of confusion explained
Obama Administration takes victory lap in clown car
Pic of the Day: Obama War Room Pic Was STAGED! FAKE!
Unnecessary Roughness: Phoenix Cop Slams Teen to the Ground
Simon Maloy – A Man After Boehlert’s Heart
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Links of the Day
Boehlony Is His Stock in Trade
Sorry Lefties… Rumsfeld Says Waterboarding Led US to Osama Bin Laden
Talking torture w/ Alyona
Holder on ATF and guns in Mexico
Crazy Uncles and the Propagandists at Think Progress
New Project Gunrunner documents peg top DOJ officials
Liberal Wunderkind Ezra Klein Doesn't Seem To Know What A Mandate Is
Blue Falcon Alert
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Links of the Day
Issa v. Holder
Anatomy of a Fake Quotation
Inconvenient Facts About The Takedown of Osama bin Laden
Hiding the hatred
Panetta, Clinton and Gates "worked around" Obama on the bin Laden mission?
All Those Operational Details the Obama Administration Gave About the bin Laden Raid? Maybe They Weren't Quite True.
Monday, May 02, 2011
Links of the Day
Public transit employee: $458K salary plus $1.2m home-loan concession
NRA Calls For Holder's Ouster for BATF "Gunrunner" Incompetence
Valerie Plame: No woman
Think Progress Doubles Down On AGW Caused Tornadoes
Dems form anonymously-funded outside group to defend president who hates anonymously-funded outside groups
Nothing Nice To Say
Excuse Me, Veronique, You’re Stepping On My Narrative
Paul Ryan Catches Lefty Astroturfer Changing Clothes Then Coming Back For Second Town Hall…
Media Matters Confirms Don Giljum Saboteur Authenticity
Author of study quoted by anti-gun groups changes story, implicates 'Gunwalker'
Confirmed: Trail That Led To Bin Ladin Began With Enhanced Interrogation Methods of High Value Targets That President Obama And His Suddenly Rah-Rah Kill-Crazy Media Allies Completely Opposed and Campaigned To End