Monday, June 10, 2024

Projecting so hard.

 ptfe says:

Monday, 10 June 2024 at 17:32

@CSK: Actually, he explicitly said Trump pisses off the people he hates – and apparently (per this thread) he doesn’t care who Trump hates, as long as he pisses off the right (or rather wrong) people. [Leans in: “You know…those people.”]

Critically, Paul L appears to have no firm ethics or morality, just some personal beefs (mostly to do with encounters with police) and a sense that whatever he believes in the moment about anything is, by definition, correct. That aligns with Donald Trump’s persona, so even though they can’t both be right – which Paul L will happily admit – he feels a great kinship with this soulless and near-brainless shart, since showing off breezy arrogance in spite of actually possessing the mental capacity of a splatter of meconium makes him, as Gustopher notes, fun.

Paul L’s idea of “reasoning” is to throw a bunch of OANN/Newsmax buzzwords on a page, then drop a link to a right-wing nutter who’s been paid by the griftosphere for so long they either have fully replaced their blood with the appropriate Flavor-Aid (tastes like RFK brainworm and bile!) or they’re just happily profiting off the full Reuben sandwich. In his line of work, “relevant facts” are naughty things that need not be engaged, only countered by dropping “factual flak”: whataboutism, conspiracy theories, distracting tangents, and assertions so bizarre they often can barely be parsed, let alone countered. The discussion will inevitably not return to the point of origin, which is exactly the purpose of this attack. It’s also exactly why he wouldn’t answer any of my questions the other day except to tell us that he likes how Trump pisses off the right people – because otherwise you have to justify supporting a criminal, corrupt, serially-begging cheapskate conman who sympathizes with Nazis, and really, no good will come of that.

If there’s a lesson to be learned from Paul L, it’s that trying to back-and-forth with someone whose brain is made of starved weevils does not make for engaging discussion, but it can make for a really nasty smear across a comments section.

Here is a ethic I believe in for Ptfffffe.

appears to have no firm ethics or morality

Reveals the deeper held Republican belief that the individual is more important than the collective and this is really a stance born out of a position of privilege

has anything helped Trump more over the course of his presidency and political career than his propensity just just by how much his very existence abates against their sensibilities of forcing his enemies and the entire uni party to go fully mask off in front of their voters after hiding it for so many decades.

Justice Matters.

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