JKGirl says:
Was spreading a poisonous and false conspiracy theory that
Russia rigged the 2016 election to get Trump in the White House a
violation of “norms?”
Was hiding the physical and mental decline of an incumbent President a violation of “norms?”
Was throwing open the U.S./Mexico border to allow historic levels of illegal immigration a violation of “norms?”
Was trying to prosecute a former President a violation of “norms?”
Does it become more or less a violation of “norms” when those
prosecutions are essentially abandoned when that President is
Was banning the sitting President from social media a violation of “norms?”
Was having members of his administration working to oppose a sitting President’s agenda a violation of “norms?”
Was the FBI spying on a Presidential candidate a violation of “norms?”
Was censoring and suppressing an accurate news story before the 2020 election a violation of “norms?”
Was handing the Democratic Presidential nomination to someone who never won a single primary a violation of “norms?”
Was a Defense Secretary going AWOL while the U.S. was involved in two major military conflicts a violation of “norms?”
Was having a baggie of cocaine show up in the White House a violation
of “norms?” How about the Secret Service stretching credulity beyond
the breaking point by telling us they couldn’t determine who brought the
cocaine into the White House…a violation of “norms” or nah?
How about an outgoing administration escalating a military conflict
with a hostile nuclear power after the American people elect a new
President with an entirely different view of how the conflict should be
handled? Does that violate any “norms?
Our political environment is never going to improve until people like
you, James Joyner, can admit you don’t really care about norms or rules
or decency or citizenship. You just care about people like you
remaining in charge no matter how frequently or how disastrously they
screw up.
DK says:
@JKGirl: Lies, lies, lies.
You support Trump, an Epstein-bestie pedo who launched his toxic
political career with racist birher lies against the first black
president. Nobody cares about what you have to say about decency; you
and rapist Trump have none.
Yes, Russia interfered in the 2016 election, with Trump’s approval.
Yes, Biden continues to perform his job duties more effectively than
any of the younger presidents in recent memory, including obese and
elderly fascist Trump, who left office with mass death and record job
loss due to his incompetence.
No, Republicans do not care about illegal immigration except to
manipulate idiots with racist fearmongering, hence why they passed no
immigration bill under Trump and killed the bipartisan, Border Patrol
supported border bill under Biden.
No, it does not violate norms to prosecute an orange thug who
attempted a violent coup and illegally retained govt secrets. Phony
hypocrites that screamed “Lock Her Up” at Hillary know this.
Yes, private social media companies had every right to ban Trump for
using their platform to incite the Jan. 6 terror attack, violating their
True, defeated traitor Trump urging Netanyahu and Putin to undermine Biden was abnormal (and illegal).
No, it’s not abnormal for the FBI to monitor Russian assets.
No, a private social media company taking 24 hours to vet an
irrelevant New York Post link about a private citizen was not abnormal.
It’s also not censorship.
Yes, parties have every right to choose their nominee however they please.
No, the Secret Service’s behavior of late has not been normal,
including the hundreds of Jan 6 text messages they magically deleted and
Yes, it’s normal for a US president to defend allies, not letting Putin’s nuclear blackmail control US foreign policy.
The political environment will improve once voters, currently addled
on amnesia, are reminded why they booted Republicans in 2018 and Trump
in 2020: the amorality, incompetence, treason, and chaos already on
Y’all know that clock is ticking, hence why MAGA is still so angry and bitter despite Trump’s pyrrhic 1.5% victory. Delicious!
The Steele Dossier was always raw data, understood by its users as likely to have bad info mixed in with reality. Which it was, as expected, largely true with some bad info mixed in.
Where can I find a summary of what was largely true, verified and corroborated in the Steele dossier. In a press release from Sen Adam Schiff or the unredacted Trump FISA warrants that primarily referenced the Steele dossier as evidence that were signed, authorized and approved by FBI law enforcement heroes J. Comey, J. Baker, A. Weissman and A. McCabe?
@Steven L. Taylor:
Checking the approved official narratives from the main source of conventional wisdom woke thought.